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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Simple Truth Of Our Body's NOT So Simple System

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The human body is a complex machine. Trillions of cells that make them very specific work for automatic functions such as breathing , we are absolutely incredible. There is a great diversity among populations. Yet , as diverse as we are, we are all almost identical .
 What allows us to be almost exactly the same , yet so different ? The platform on which we are built . We adapt to a very slow pace, which is what makes such a stable platform .

But if we have an excellent platform to build on , why do we have such an endemic disease incidence and rapid degradation, which happens at much younger ages ? There are a few reasons. The main reason is our ability to mass produce and genetically engineer our food sources . Whether you love or hate genetically modified foods , they are a ubiquitous part of our daily life, and almost all have a negative impact on our health.

You grew up learning a simple truth: " You are what you eat, from your head to your feet. " The livelihoods of every part of our body depends on what we eat (or do not ingest matter). Your body is like a city . Buildings are your muscles, and their foundations are your bones. Roads leading into and around the city are the blood vessels and the sewage system is ... well, your sewer system. and planners , police, firefighters, construction workers , teams from the city and people living in the city are your cells.

When transporting goods of poor quality in a week structure is built. If you continue to carry the products of poor quality, or forget certain products , not only the city will not be built stronger, it will begin to collapse. The next thing you know , planners do not talk to city workers the right way , police and firefighters are busier than ever, and sewage workers on strike . It does not take long after that city to begin to collapse.

But even if your city is falling apart , there are some simple things you can do to begin to repair. The easiest way , adding best nutrients to your diet. It goes beyond eating more vegetables . As I said earlier , food is being changed and in the process lose much of their nutritional value. Want to scare you a little? Do an online search on the decline of nutritional values ​​of fruits and vegetables. Many have lost anywhere from 15-50% !

In future articles I will direct you to some keys to improving your nutrient absorption. For now, keep thinking about the city that you build in every bite.

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