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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How to Lose Weight Without the Yo-Yo Dieting

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Are you trying to lose those extra pounds fast? If you are looking for a "fast track" to lose weight , there is no shortage of fad diets around . Most people today get caught in the " latest and greatest " diet .

 promising to help you lose a few pounds in less than a week or two. 
Most of these diets claim that you can lose weight 
quickly with minimum effort. You may have heard promises , " lose 10 pounds in a week ", " how to lose weight fast ", " shed fat from your body in 10 days ." If you have tried to lose weight , these types of diets can be very tempting ... but buyer beware ! There is no magic pill , or any particular combination of foods that you will lose weight . In fact, most of these fad diets are not worth trying at all.

The truth is , unfortunately, many of us have followed these fad diets and these types of diets can do more harm to your health than good. Most of these fad diets do not work to help you lose weight and keep the weight off long term. In addition, the highest weight loss is first presented with pounds. That being said, to understand how to lose weight and keep it , we must all come to an understanding of how our bodies work on thinness. It is important that we briefly mention the importance of knowing your numbers. For example, knowing your ideal weight, your blood pressure, your body mass index , cholesterol levels , etc. Knowing these numbers will help you maximize your efforts to lose weight with a diet that is just a good fit for your body. An in-depth discussion on these figures follow later . For now , let's start by talking about the effects of diet on the way our body.

Fad diets attract dieters looking to get quick results . When you try a fad diet , you'll probably lose pounds in a few days as promised, since you will be very restricted diet . When you make significant changes in your body, your body will react. Most of the time , the weight you lose during the first day is usually just water weight and / or muscle mass. These fad diets are restrictive and boring, making it difficult to maintain over the long term . Once you stop the diet and return to your normal life , chances are that you will gain the weight back - with a few extra pounds.

Fad diets also prohibit eating certain types of food. Some of these diets restrict or eliminate fruits, vegetables, dairy products and whole grains. These foods are rich in nutrients that are supposed to help prevent many chronic diseases. Diets that eliminate certain foods from the diet of a person completely put the person at risk of nutrient deficiencies . Research has shown that to obtain the amount of nutrients our body needs on a daily basis , we need to consume a balanced and varied diet. Fad diets do not allow consumers to eat a well balanced diet in most cases , causing a lack of nutrients to the body . In addition, many fad diets limit the amount of calories and nutrients you consume can lead to energy deprivation and severe nutritional deficiencies.

Because most fad diets require you to eat a structured amount of food on a structured schedule, you may also end up disrupting your natural metabolism . Your metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories. The body, in its normal state , called homeostasis, learning to maintain the weight you normally wear after a period of time. If you lose weight too quickly , you are probably losing muscle mass / lean tissue . As we lose muscle our metabolisms slow down . Once you significantly decrease caloric intake, your body begins to adjust to less food and a new homeostasis is created based on the lower number of calories. Your body learns to function normally with less which means that when you start eating normal food again you will gain back more weight than before because your body is used to survive on fewer calories. Lose weight slowly with a healthy diet for all types of foods will keep your metabolism working properly.

As mentioned earlier, muscle loss is another negative effect of fad diets . Since your diet is very low in calories , your body looks for other ways to get energy. One of these ways is to digest your muscles. It is in fact detrimental to weight loss because muscles help you burn more calories even when you are resting .

Fad diets are quick fixes , no permanent solutions to the problem of weight. You can lose weight at first, but once you start eating regular food again, you gain the weight back. The problem is your eating habits and lack of activity. Until you start eating healthier and exercising regularly, your weight will go up and down .
So what is the answer to achieve your goal of weight loss?

The answer is a balanced diet that includes proper nutrients associated with moderate physical activity. Losing weight is as simple as it is difficult. No food or a specific product may cause a gain or weight loss. The only way to lose weight is to change your habits and always eat fewer calories and more exercise over a period of time. To lose weight , you must eat fewer calories than you burn. Have a diet rich in all the food groups balanced diet focusing on what to eat , instead of focusing on what not to eat . Increase your activity level by performing moderate physical activity and you will feel better emotionally, mentally and physically every day. It is so simple, but few of us are able to do , although doing so will change your life .

We recognize the problem with diets , we know the solution , why the obesity rate in America still climb ?

Health experts will tell you repeatedly that the only way to effectively lose weight and keep it off is by making long-term changes to your lifestyle, such as adapting a healthier diet and exercise regularly . Needless to say these changes is not really easy or quick.

expert Robyn A. industry Osborn , RD, PhD, psychologist and dietician education , said that people need to feel that the benefits of changing their behavior outweigh the costs. For many dieters psychological cost to abandon their way of life seems too fattening . So they opt for the "quick fix" .

Fad diets are not healthy on both aspects of losing weight , but more on the psychological benefits of weight loss results . Does this mean that weight loss is more mental than physical , is it?

"The research is clear - diet programs do not work! This is not just dieters who fail diet programs fail as well . We know that less than 10 % of all dieters maintain weight loss, about 50% go on to win more than they lose, and the most common results of yo- yo loss weight is worse for people's health than just being overweight. Furthermore, we learn more about how our culture of "thinness" is destructive to self-esteem and health of girls and women. " Said David Bedrick , JD, Dipl PW author of Talking Back to Dr. Phil . Alternatives to Mainstream Psychology .

According to a new survey of psychologists suggest that when it comes to dieting, weight loss and weight gain , emotions play a central role and may be the main obstacle to weight loss.

Many of us look at ourselves and compare ourselves to those we see every day in magazines, on television and in newspapers . We feed immediately " negative rhetoric " in ourselves we call fat, complain of our body parts and so on so forth . We often then time making excuses , "I'm too busy," "It's hereditary ," " I like it this way ." In all honesty , most people want to lose a few pounds, but the task seems just horribly difficult!

Try to persuade us to do things we do not really want to do - conduct our brain is not used - is not easy . We are very skilled at making wonderful to know why we can not do what we do not want excuses.

The good news is that you can get the shape of your desired goals and weight loss body. Self-image is closely linked to the success or failure of a goal you choose to look after , but none more so that the purpose of get fit and healthy. With good thought, a regular meeting of mental training and understanding of how to obtain optimal nutrition , the development of healthy eating habits is just a site now!

Courage crowd is a new website designed to help people in their efforts to make positive changes in their lives. Crowd Courage is a platform to change attitudes and promote mental and spiritual growth through personal wellness .

We offer a variety of tools for building skills and a support system to encourage changes in lifestyle and the long- term to maintain the changes and transformations of life .

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