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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Reasons Why New Year's Fitness and Weight Loss Resolutions Fail

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Each year, millions , if not billions of people make New Year's resolutions to eat well, get fit and lose weight - and have abandoned on March 31 at the latest. Here are the main reasons for their failure and how you can avoid making the same mistakes year after year.
1-fitness , health and nutrition habits
Before you even set your fitness goals or weight loss goals for the new year, you must first understand how you got in shape you are currently in. Unless you have a chronic disease or have suffered an accident major , you are not a victim of anything - and anyone else who has caused you to be out of shape or overweight.

It is imperative that you understand that it is your personal habits that led you to your current state . You make choices all along the way, and the choices you make over and over again become your fault - your habits. Your habits have led to your current lifestyle - what you eat , how much and how often you exercise , and weight and fat percentage you are willing to carry with you every day.

This is bad news , so now here's the good news: you have created these habits , and you can change from now , today! Change your eating habits or exercise habits begins with small choices - and over time these choices add up. Furthermore, when repeated over and over they become your new habits. Yes, that means you need to put a little more thought into their daily routines . But you are not satisfied with your current state of health , your fitness level or your current body fat or you would not have taken these resolutions new year. So put in that extra thought and make choices that will help you keep those promises to yourself !

2) do not make time to exercise
When it comes to working out you do not take the time - you do the time . One of the few universal values ​​that we all share is that we all have the same 168 hours a week, and we all have the chance to choose what we do with these 168 hours. Think people like Donald Trump, Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Louise L. Hay or Les Brown and all they do in a week - but they only have the same number of hours per week as you do . The busiest and most lazy people you know have 168 hours per week as well.

The only difference between them and you is priorities - you use your time in proportion to the importance you give to each activity. So if the formatting , be in good health and weight loss are important enough for you to make time for sufficient exercise to achieve your goal of getting in shape and stay in shape.

Do not try to tell me that you do not have enough time - we all have the same amount of time , and you already know people in your situation who have the time to hit the gym , go for a run or take during the year , don 't you ? What you really want to say is your current activities already fulfill your program , right?

And this is the main reason for the financial year resolutions break year after year - trying to adapt to 3-5 workouts per week in an already overcrowded schedule . It's like trying to pour a cup of water into a glass filled - it does not go in, but will make a mess , right? And this is what happens when people try to add in the time to exercise for a full schedule - he made ​​a mess of their week.

So how does it do you solve ? Simple. Decide what to take out of your schedule to take time to exercise . Search time pigs obvious first : watch TV, spend too much time on the internet, playing computer games, hitting the bars and clubs, etc. Everyone I know spends a lot of time at least one of these four , and I suppose the same can be said about you, right? So now you need to decide where you can cut the time to three or more exercise sessions per week.

Remember, decisions must be made ​​based on your priorities - your most important to you that these reality shows health status , time on Facebook and Google+ , beating the next level of WOW or knocking back a drink in the bar quite so often? For best results, do not remove anything that you really enjoy doing , or you feed resentment of your workouts and your subconscious will sabotage your workouts.

Instead , really cut what you do not care and if you need to make more time again, then cut the things you enjoy just enough to free up the time you need . Take just 20 minutes per day from each of the three hobby leisure gives you that hour a day, as skipping a single television broadcast day. Have time ... Now just release enough of it for your exercise - and decide in advance where from if there is no conflict each week of the period.

3) does not set a realistic pace
Let's look at a common pair of weight loss and fitness goals : lose 20 pounds of body fat next year and adding 20 pounds of muscle next year. Or you can make a major change in the image of your health and body while increasing self-confidence and energy levels. The biggest problem is too many people suddenly jump in the gym and start lifting weights life a demon to build muscle fast , or significantly reduced their caloric intake by thinking they must abandon all 20 books in the first month or two. If you have one of these last year, how do you measure at the beginning of this year? If you're like most people , you were even more of your goals this year than last year .

The issue here is not your goals - both are reasonably achievable . The question is a sudden change in your diet and / or exercise routine. Why the rush? In most cases, it took years to get the shape you are currently in, so do not try to change overnight ! To lose 20 pounds next year , start with one small change to a healthier diet each week. To add 20 pounds of muscle, start with light exercises compounds 7 and add 1 more representative each game every week and add 1 new year one month. Even if you do not get to see a weight loss or muscle gain in the first 7 months , you would still only have to drop 1 pound of fat or gain 1 pound of muscle per week from August to always respond your goals for the year. In other words, win or lose only half a pound a week throughout the year would be 26 pounds for the year - you have exceeded your goal of 30%. Obtain and maintain a healthy lifestyle is a quest for a lifetime , so do not forget that health, fitness and weight maintenance are marathons , not sprints.

4) does not set reasonable goals
Of course , every woman at some point wants to be a size 0 and every guy wants to be a Herculean champion. But for most people who just will not happen , no matter what they do. We are all born with genetic predefined which , to one degree or another , which predetermine our ultimate limits are . But the good news is anyone can still do a lot to improve before hitting the best limits - in fact, very few people , including professional athletes , never reach the point where they discover what their limits.

To set reasonable goals , depending on where you are now . If you intend to lose weight , know what your body fat percentage and are planning to lose 10% or 25 % of the year . Notice I did not say a percentage of your weight , but your body fat percentage . This is important because your body has a lot of weight , he needs - muscles, organs, bones, skeleton , blood, brain , etc. . For example if you have 30 % body fat and you weigh 250 pounds , your fat weighs 75 pounds and your goal is to lose 7.5 to 19 pounds during the year. If you weigh 120 pounds with 30 % body fat, your fat weighs 36 pounds and your goal is to burn 3.6 to 9 pounds.

If you lift weights to build muscle and build strength, the principle is even simpler. Do not say: " I want to win X pounds of lean muscle " or "I want to squat / deadlift / bench X books." Instead , aim for the best gains you can safely and reasonably achievable . The best you can do with any medicine , formal , strict lifting without using momentum, etc. To build muscle , try adding one representative for each game every week while increasing the weight you use once month. To build strength , add a little more weight to each of your work defines any time you can while maintaining proper form. Anyway , do not dwell on the weight used or drawn into comparisons with others - just focusing on your personal progress as the year progresses .

5) self-confidence is not enough
When you set realistic goals to build muscle or lose weight and truly believes they can achieve more and achieve these objectives, it is easier for them to stay on track . For others, however, it is not uncommon for them to take refuge in the "know" that they could not achieve their goals, no matter what they did. How many times have you heard someone say " I've tried everything and nothing works " ? The truth is that nobody tried EVERYTHING.

Overcoming it is more difficult for your self -talk programs your subconscious mind, which in turn control your instincts and trust. If you are one of these people , find a coach responsibility as a weight loss coach or personal trainer . Knowing that they will give you a hard time if you miss a session , they will expect you to show up and you have to pay for their time if you have or not greatly increase the chances that you will stay on track.

Another option is to find someone with the same goals to lose weight or build muscle mass and keep each other on track . You will always need some self- discipline to show when they do not - do not use their actions as permission to release yourself! And be ready to replace your partner, or add it to another person , if you find they are not as committed as you are - no one but you should be setting up your pace or be in charge of your results.

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