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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How You Can Use Cheat Meals To Lose Fat Faster

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Have you ever wondered how Hollywood stars and fitness models keep these incredible organizations? Well, many of them understand the secret of adding cheat meals weekly in their diet to maintain their high metabolism. Here's how you can use the cheat meal to lose fat fast and get in the best shape of your life.
A cheat meal is exactly what it sounds like , you cheat eat what you want one meal per week . The rest of the week you stick to a strict diet.

Here's why adding a cheat meal once a week will help you burn more fat :

A . A Cheat meal is a necessary break from dieting . There is no denying the fact that in order to lose weight, you must take action . This means that you need to reduce your calorie intake. And if you have been overweight for some time and you tend to eat too much processed foods, then cutting calories probably not going to be enough . You will also need to cut carbs .

This is because people who are overweight long and eat a diet high in simple carbohydrates and processed foods are most likely insulin resistant . This means that the carbohydrates you eat is shuttled into fat storage because your body is resistant to insulin desire to store carbohydrates as energy in your muscles.

This is not what you want to hear if you are overweight and want to lose weight, but it is the reality , so if you " did the crime , you must do the time " and reduce both calories and carbohydrates to lose weight.

A cheat meal you can take a well deserved against the rigors of dieting break. This one meal can be composed of any treatment you want. Go ahead and order a pizza , eating ice cream and even a beer . Enable you to have your favorite and enjoy . After the meal , you'll probably feel bloated and uncomfortable and it's a good thing because the next meal , it's back to your strict diet .

2 . A Cheat meals stimulates leptin. Equally important, if not more than the mental break a cheat meal gives you the boost you receive leptin . Leptin is the hormone to burn fat key . I 'm surprised you do not hear more in the media about leptin, but those in the fitness industry seems to be important.

When you stick to a strict diet low in calories and low in carbohydrates for a week your leptin levels begin to fall . You see that it is the work of leptin to prevent you from starving , so when you do not eat much your body gets the message that you are heading for the famine. In response, it puts the brakes on leptin , which makes your desires go up and down your fat burning potential as a lead balloon .

A cheat meal per week which is rich in calories and carbs just tell your body that you are not hungry and leptin levels and fat burning are raised back to normal .

Adding a weekly cheat meal to your diet is a great way to stick to your weight loss plan . But if I told you there was an even easier to maintain your leptin levels to burn fat and boost your metabolism high average?

Is this something you 'd be interested?

If you do this , you basically keep your body in a state 24/7 fat burning ...

Fortunately , there is a drop-dead simple way to get your fat burning hormones to work for you . Check out these tips to burn fat powerful by clicking on the link.

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