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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fad Dieting or Eating Disorder

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Fad diets has become so ingrained in American culture that it is considered by many as a normal part of everyday life. It has become almost fashionable to be on the latest fad diet . 

Fad diets has become so commonplace that it has actually created its own industry $ 61,000,000,000 . But is Yo -Yo or diets really safe mode or is it a sign of a more serious problem ? When we hear the word disorder diet, you immediately think of anorexia and bulimia. But did you know that perpetual diets can be considered a eating disorder ?
According to Psychology Today , people who diet eight times more likely to develop an eating disorder than people who are not eating. Dieting is like a gateway drug that can trap someone in a vicious cycle of eating disorders that can take years to overcome. In fact , studies show that 35% of " normal people diet" progress to a pathological system. Among them, 25% progress to partial or full syndrome disorders food . This suggests that diets mode is indeed a type of eating disorder .
As research suggests , fad diets can move on to other types of eating disorders as well . Approximately 10 million women and one million men in the United States are struggling with anorexia and bulimia. There are 25 million who suffer from Bulimia . There is an epidemic of disorders in our country that is causing more severe eating that overweight can cause effects. According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders ( ANAD ) , nearly 50 % of people with eating disorders meet the criteria for depression. Here are some other statistics related to ANAD fad diets and eating disorders . Unfortunately fad diets begins to negatively affect girls at a younger age than the research shows :
• 95 % of all dieters will regain their lost weight within 5 years .
Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness
Over 50 % of adolescents use control behaviors such as unhealthy weight skipping meals , fasting, smoking cigarettes, vomiting and taking laxatives.
• 47 % of girls in Grade 5 and 12 want to lose weight because of magazine pictures .
• 42 % of girls in first through third grade want to be thinner .
• 81% of 10 year olds are afraid of being fat .
These statistics show that fad diets is a real problem and only gets worse as the girls feel pressure to be thin at an early age . In our culture far removed nearly half of the girls 1st quality concern being thinner ? These statistics show how fad diets can lead to other eating disorders that can lead to depression and even death. Fad diets is a serious problem with serious consequences .
When you 're on a diet , are you really focused on optimal health ? Or are you only focused on weight loss ? Did you jump from diet to diet ? Do your diet and weight control your life ? Then it is likely that you are a dieter fashionable. If you are not sure if you engage in fashion (pathological) regime , here are some elements from Scared Skinny No More, you will see the difference between a healthy diet and fad diets ( disorders of supply).
A healthy diet focuses on healthy weight loss . An eating disorder ( fad diet ) is an unhealthy way to lose weight.
A healthy diet makes your body stronger . An eating disorder ( fad diet ) makes the lower body and can lead to many health complications.
Healthy eating can be fun and still allows a life to live. An eating disorder ( fad diet ) is not nice and takes the life of a person .
A healthy diet is to help yourself become healthier and stronger. An eating disorder ( fad diet ) focuses on what others think of you and attracts attention for the wrong reasons.
A healthy diet affects health and food choices . An eating disorder ( fad diet ) affects every aspect of your life.
Fad diets are not a panacea and will not you stand. The most effective way to control weight is to eat healthy, natural foods . Dietetic foods and processed foods in general are not healthy choices. In fact, before the prevalence of processed foods in the 1980s , the obesity rate was slightly less than 10 percent today , the rate is over 30 percent. What was the major difference in eating before 1980 and now? Before the 1980s , people ate natural foods. They rarely eat foods that have been processed, mainly because very few existed, but there were more than 20,000 food products , including health food and diet , introduced to the U.S. market in 2010 alone .
So eat healthy and natural foods. The answer may seem simple, but in a culture of processed foods , it is not always so simple. You must make a conscious effort to change how and what you eat, or you'll fall right into the trap of processed foods.
Here are some tips and strategies that I recommend you change your eating habits in six weeks, so that you can be fit, regardless of your body shape or age . Six weeks is the time that we found that is optimal for the creation of new habits. While a change in lifestyle should also include regular exercise, a healthy diet is a major factor in weight control and overall health . These strategies will help you focus on eating for your health.
Start each morning by drinking 8-10 oz of cold water . Not only are you usually dehydrated after sleeping all night, but that "wake up" the body and get the chemical reactions taking place.
Do not skip breakfast and make sure you eat protein .
Include a source of quality protein at each meal and snack.
Eat beans, and fibrous carbohydrates, such as broccoli , squash, zucchini, peppers and limit the consumption of fruit .
Be sure to include foods that are good sources of Omega 3 ( wild salmon, halibut, avocados, nuts , macadamia oil ) as these help to burn more fat from your body .
Avoid : processed foods, and refined like white bread , pasta and rice are low in fat and spike blood sugar carbohydrates.
Plan your menu at the beginning of the week to ensure healthy food choices . Cut vegetables to store in containers for the week.
Eating healthy is not about cutting out certain nutrients , or a formula crazy meals. Fad diets create a sense of hopelessness and despair. With a failure rate of nearly 100 %, it is not surprising that fad diets often progresses to pathological dieting and other eating disorders . It is time to change the madness fad diets and reverse now affects even our young children at an alarming rate . Drop plans , take processed foods and start eating for your health. Let today be a new beginning for you and your family. Focus on eating real natural foods that will actually help you look and feel fit!
Dr. Brad Johnson is an international speaker in the field of wellness / fitness . He is the author of six weeks a skinny body Bikini & Scared No More : Exposing the Myths of Weight Bias and weight loss . Mr. Johnson has taught wellness / fitness college and formed D1 and professional athletes in many sports. He recently spent a month in Malaysia help develop a degree of fitness with their Ministry of Education . His books are available on Amazon.

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