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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dieters - How To Have Your Cake And Lose Weight Too

alli weight loss, weight loss exercise ,weight loss hypnosis
It is time to rethink the old notion that dieting means sacrifice. By strategically adding a cheat meal to your weekly diet , you can literally have your cake and lose weight too . In fact, with your hormones to burn fat cake could really help speed up your fat loss. Here's how

If you've ever dieted , you 've probably noticed that the weight loss slows more you diet and cutting calories . This is partly due to the fact that some " water weight " is lost in the early stages of regime, but also because your body puts the brakes on fat burning hormones you feed your body less calories.

A hormone to burn fat very important that works against your diet is leptin. When leptin levels are high in your body hormone that allows your body to burn fat effectively and it also controls your desires to leave your happy and satisfied feeling. However, when leptin levels drop you diet.
This is why fat burning slows down after one or two weeks of dieting . You follow a hard diet and limit your intake of calories and your body sends a distress signal and stops the production of leptin so that your body stops burning fat and not starve to death. To add insult to injury decreased leptin causes cravings unbearable to try to make you eat.

This fall in leptin is so strong that studies have shown that leptin can halve after a week of dieting . This means that after a week of being "good" and stick to your diet , your body is burning fat only half of its original capacity .

So how do you keep leptin levels high during a diet ? The answer is overeating one meal a week using a cheat meal . This meal should be high in both carbohydrates and fats is enough to give your body the green light that everything is fine and it can start to produce leptin again. After this potential fat burning meals your body is restored and cravings disappear.

Cheat meals will result in some weight gain, but most of this is water retention . The meal contains carbohydrates and every gram of carbohydrate you eat will cause you to retain three grams of water. It is not permanent fat, because you'll immediately on your diet after dinner Cheat your body quickly throws the weight of the water and at the end of the week you have a net weight loss.

Adding a weekly cheat meal to your diet is a great way to stick to your weight loss plan . But if I told you there was an even easier to maintain your leptin levels to burn fat and boost your metabolism high average?

Is this something you 'd be interested?

You see, if you could do what you could basically keep your body in a state 24/7 fat burning

Fortunately , there is a drop-dead simple way to get your fat burning hormones to work for you . Check out these tips to burn fat powerful by clicking on the link.

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