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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Weight Loss Trick That Teaches Your Body To Burn Belly Fat First

Weight Loss Trick That Teaches Your Body To Burn Belly Fat First
If you have been overweight for a long time or if you have a past full of yo- yo , then you may find it very easy to gain belly fat and very difficult to burn calories. Being overweight for a long time

, eat a diet rich in processed foods, and put your body through the ups and downs of several regimes can spell disaster for your metabolism . But with some strategic tips that you can teach your body to burn belly fat first when it needs energy .

The trick to keep in mind is that you do not want to completely cut out carbs , but you do not want to scroll through them. Have you ever noticed that Hollywood stars and fitness models stay lean and cut all year round? Do you think they get that way by dieting they cut in a magazine? Not a chance .

Some have these famous trainers who understand the secrets to get the body to burn fat for energy. One of the things that is now accessible to all is the hydrates carbon cycling , rather than cut them out completely .

Low carb diets do the body to burn fat because you do not feed your body carbohydrates , which is the first choice for the energy of your body. However, it does not take long to a low carbohydrate diet for your body to get the signal that something is wrong.

You know what I mean if you have been on a low carb diet for more than a week because your weight loss slows considerably. This is because your body puts the brakes on your fat burning hormone called leptin . He lowers leptin production in order to prevent you from starving . So instead of burning fat after a week of low carbing it are not you burn fat and your brain is in a fog .

Carb cycling allows you to eat carbs at strategic times of the week to keep your fat burning leptin levels. This keeps your body to burn fat all day and all week. You also get the advantage of feeling good because you give the body what it needs to maintain a high metabolism.

There are many parts Carb cycling, but the easiest way to start is to have a " cheat meal " one week. This meal should be high in carbohydrates favorites . This meal satisfies your body that everything is correct , which returns your fat burning hormone , leptin , maximum levels . When leptin is high your goals of fat stored in the belly as energy. It also gives you a mental relief essential if you are able to stick to your diet long term.

Adding a weekly meal to your low carb diet cheat is a great way to stick to your weight loss plan . But if I told you there was an even easier to maintain your leptin levels to burn fat and boost your metabolism high average ?

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