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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Weight Loss and Dieting

alli weight loss weight loss exercise weight loss hypnosis
One of the biggest health problems most urban dwellers face these days is obesity. The causes can be anything from junk food and unhealthy lifestyles to improve the standard of living and comfort seeking attitudes. Whatever the reason may be, the effects could be severe if the problem is ignored.

 Obesity has been recognized as the leading cause of serious diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, osteoarthritis, and certain types of heart and respiratory diseases. Not only that, it was not the best psycho-social effects, or because "corpulence" is often connoted with "ugliness".

What can you do?
Well, a person could be overweight for a variety of reasons. The most common are genetics, metabolism, environment and food habits. Depending on what is the cause, the treatment would be different. But there are some principles that are applicable to all types of obese people. Such a principle is "energy balance equation." Thus, according to this equation, number of calories taken - Calories Calories sent = (Weight) selected.

So if you can just remember this simple equation, you will understand why you lose or gain weight. There are several ways you can follow this equation.
Some of them are:

• Eat less (not too much or it could lead to other problems such as weakness, dizziness, etc.)
• Workout (If you can force yourself to follow a kind of an exercise regime, you would certainly burn more calories without it).
• A mixture of the two above ie eat more but exercise more.
• Keep the number of calories by eating healthy and avoiding junk food.

What if nothing works?
There could be people with genetic and metabolic accumulations ups are such that their bodies are doing and keep the fat easily. These people are the ones that are the most difficult to stay slim as no matter how healthy or how little they eat, their body always seems to manage to add to the number of books. For these people, the will to stay motivated is the most important factor. If a technique does not work for you, try the next and so on until you find one that suits your body type best. It is taking time and difficult, but perseverance is the key. So as the saying goes - "If you want really bad, you will fail."

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